Shawnee Presbyterian Church is a member
of the Presbyterian Church USA
and the Heartland Presbytery.
We are an open and affirming congregation;
our mission is to care for one another and for the community around us.
Our focus is on worship, mission, and dialogue in the Grace and Mercy of Jesus Christ.
The Shawnee Presbyterian Church supports the work of the Presbyterian Church USA,
and community organizations that minister
to the physical and spiritual needs of our family in Christ.
We dedicate our resources to those organizations
through which we have the greatest opportunity to multiply the impact of our gifts.
We strive to:
• Provide opportunity and motivation for all, as disciples of Jesus,
to follow Christ’s example of ministering to those in need.
• Serve as a resource and support for outreach activities outside the church.
• Identify the service and dedication of groups and individuals within the congregation.

For more information:
Presbyterian Church USA - www.pcusa.org
Heartland Presbytery - https://heartlandpby.org